Colette Fugère


Welcome to my website where you will hear more about who I am, why I sing, what I sing about,
and how and in what circumstances those songs have been inspired to me over a span of 40 years
and the progress of the project of a lifetime – recording an album.

About Colette Fugere


I was born in Montreal, but moved to the Eastern Townships in 1978, and I’m still here enjoying God’s wonderful nature! When I was just 18 years old, I had some deep questions that no one around me could answer, such as, Where do I come from?

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As a bubbling, new-born Christian in the Lord, I had inspiration for a few songs in 1975 but for 2 years I didn’t dare sing solo. In 1977, I was given a song and heard this in my heart : “I give you this, to share”. For different reasons, I shared very sparingly over the years…

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Why I Sing

Why I Sing

I can’t help but sing – and I do sing everyday! I sing to thank God : For His patience, when I’m slow to learn, for His Mercy, when I fail, for His peaceful Spirit that lifts me up, when I go through trials… I sing to worship Him, and praise Him, because He first loved me…

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